Studying in Germany – a great opportunity for you with great benefits

Studying in Germany is a great opportunity for you and has many advantages. Educarion in Germany in state universities and colleges is FREE in 15 of the 16 federal states do not pay tuition fees, but pay a small semester fee, which is different for different universities (50-250 euros). In the tuition fee in most cases a so-called. semester ticket – free use of public transport in the city and its immediate vicinity, in some cases, neighboring towns and throughout the province, as well as others. benefits. From the new Winter semester (2014/15) will fall tuition fees in public universities and last Province – Lower Saxons.

Germany have traditions in higher education.The first university in Germany, Heidelberg, is founded in 1386. Most of the universities have 400-600 years of history.

Application in higher education institutions in Germany is withour entrance exam, is mainly on documents. Exceptions are the university of music and the arts, and a limited range of subjects, which require proof of any skills.

There is no restractions for the number of the universities in which you are applying.In Germany currently has 443 universities, which offer over 15 800 subjects.In Germany can learn many interesting and promising subjects who have not yet studied in many countries.Application is not just once a year. Generally in Germany can apply for summer and winter semester 2 times a year, if for a given specialty in the respective universities to be granted the opportunity.

In Germany, can be applied with good English. There are courses in which students are accepted only in English, without requiring initial knowledge of German.In Germany you can apply without first have knowledge of German or insufficient knowledge. In this case, apply for the preparatory language course, and after passing a language examination in German you can start study a desired specialty.
And most importantly, you get high-level training, internationally recognized and prestigious education, improvement and speak perfect German, identifying interesting and important contacts more time studying that will be needed for further professional development and thereby create an excellent basis for your future personal and professional development.
Students who have completed their higher education in Germany can apply for jobs and be hired on a par with the German and other European candidates. Not check whether a job candidate has no local waiting.

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