If you want to start a postgraduate course in the upcoming academic year, you may be eligible to apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary. Each bursary is for the amount of 500 and international students from all countries can apply. It is one of the easiest and simplest ways to do that, moreover the application form is very quick to submit. You need a little of your time but it would totally be worth it if you are approved. Fortunately for you, there are many choices of bursaries, suitable for everyone. So you just have to choose one. The program may not entirely fit in to one of your specialty, but this is not a reason to worry. You can still be approved. Here below you can see the list of the suitable bursaries for you:
1. General UK Bursary it is open to any students who start any UK postgraduate course.
2. General European Bursary it is open to students who start any European postgraduate courses in English.
3. Engineering Bursary it is open to students who start a UK engineering postgraduate courses.
4. Computer Science/IT Bursary it is open to students who start UK computer science or IT postgraduate courses.
5. Distance Learning Bursary it is open to students who start UK distance learning postgraduate courses.
6. English Language Bursary it is open only to students who has taken an IELTS English Language test and they must be applying for a UK postgraduate course.
7. PhD/Research Bursary it is open to students who start a UK PhD or research program.
8. Business Masters Bursary it is open to students who start any pre-experience postgraduate business courses at any registered UK institution or in continental Europe.
9. Global and US LLM Study Bursary there is one bursary open to a student starting any Master of Laws courses at any registered institution in any country, and there is one bursary for the ones starting any Master of Laws courses at any registered institution in the USA.
The important thing you should know is that you may only apply for a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary when you have accepted a place offer at the institution you have chosen.
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