It`s not easy to find the perfect bursary. You don`t even know where to start and how to apply if you get a tip about a bursary, so a little help is always of use.
First of all you need to get over your fear of asking. Get brave and start asking for information. Bursaries, unlike scholarships, are not that much advertised so you need to go looking for them. Things are getting better though. Universities now offer more information on their website and even hard copy information and there will usually be some support staff there to help you and answer your questions. Check the website of each individual university for updated info on the bursaries that they might be offering. Phone the university and ask for direct help if you cannot find the info on their website. Asking for the info that you need is probably the most straight-forward way to get quality information. The conditions for getting a bursary change very often so relying on the advice of one person or the other might not be the best strategy.
When you find out about a bursary is important to inquire about its nature. Will you automatically get it if you fit the grid or are there any special conditions that you should know about?
Find out when you will get the results and if there is any chance of making some sort of appeal and submitting additional information that might make the committee change its mind.
Ask about the application procedure and find out how complex it is. Do you have to submit all the information or the institution or foundation will find out all the necessary information by itself?
Be realistic about your chances and try to find out how many people will benefit from the advertised sums. How much money do the universities or institutions actually offer? Also ask yourself if you qualify for a bursary. If the income of your parents is over a threshold you probably should focus more on getting a scholarships that is based on your academic achievements.
Look out for unadvertised offers and for the kind of bursaries that offer accommodation and free waivers instead of large sums of money. You will want to reduce your costs any way you can. And remember, even if you don`t get it this year it does not mean that you shouldn`t prepare better for the next year.
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