The chance to get in the school, college or university that you desire is one that you should not miss. Even if the tuition is too big for you, there is still a chance to get a bursary. The best advice to do that by the following tips.
It is best to get in early, don’t wait till the last moment. Never mind what bursary you are applying for, the earlier signing guarantees you a better chance to be approved. If you have little children, don’t wait until they are 11 in order to submit them in a private school. The sooner you invest in their education, the better it would be for them to catch up.
Don’t be ashamed that you will have a bursary in a private school. Usually one in three students in an independent school is on some form of a funding aid, so you or your child wouldn’t be the only one who cannot afford the school.
Expect the success. Not only as a matter of positive thinking but knowing the fact that private schools are actively searching for bursary applicants every year. They are aware of the fact that not only the rich students are good in the education, so the bursaries in some cases are encouraged.
Research for the right place for you or your child. Do not be obsessed by a particular school. If your child is talented at sport, art or music, you should find schools that offer bursaries in those areas. For example, you can visit the website for the Independent Schools of the British Isles, which is:
Prepare yourself to be tested. Of course the school/college would like to know about all your financial circumstances – the kind of house you live in, the car you drive, the amount of your savings, etc. There are many people who would cheat about this matter, but if you don’t have anything to hide, there isn’t anything to worry about.
Explore all the options. There are many ways to get a bursary by the virtue of your job, birthplace or your religion. Do not exclude any ability. If you approved for more than one, then you will have the option to choose the best school/college.
You should remember that any change in the circumstances may remove your bursary. So, once you get it, it doesn’t mean that you cannot lose it. Have that in mind, too.
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