Public or Private College in USA

Studying in USA sound good but it puts a lot of choices ahead. Before deciding to be a student in this country you have to do your homework. You cannot just go there and hope that everything will be perfect. You must know what you want to study and on this basis where you want to study. There are plenty of colleges and universities. Start your research now!

How to choose the right college? You have the options “public” or “private” colleges. The main difference is their funding.

Public colleges are financed by the government of their state and usually offer a lower tuition for students but they must be residents of that state. Private colleges are not funded by the government and they have one tuition for everyone.

Despite that I recommend you to skip the labels “public” and “private”, and to check the reputation and academic resources of the specific institution you are about to apply for. Usually, the better ones are private (no doubt about that), but there certainly are many public universities that can offer good education as well. That is why the colleges public or private have different academic specialties. You may prefer to enter Harvard or Yale, but let’s be realistic few people are lucky to get the scholarships there. So, be sure you consider both options public and private colleges.

The tuition at the private colleges that are counted as “elite”, is usually thousands of dollars more expensive than at the public ones. This is a reason for a serious consideration about the right place. But do not exclude a college from your list only because it is too expensive. This is why the scholarships are made for. They can make your education less expensive and accessible even in the most reputable universities.

Despite what I have just told you, not all of the private colleges have sky-high fees. There are some pretty available ones, you simply must check it out and may be surprised. Speaking of surprises, there are many public colleges that provide a first-rate education. So, do not underestimate the both possibilities.

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